Thursday, February 7, 2013

I've Been Downsized: Chapter 2

Out of the mouths of babes:

It has been nine days, four hours, and 20 minutes since I was downsized. Not that I’m counting, but I have time on my hands to think about these things. And in those nine days, four hours, and 20 minutes, I’ve been told approximately 152 times that I should pursue what I really love to do. The trouble is, I had been so immersed in my previous job that I’ve forgotten what that might be.

So, when my eight-year-old daughter asked last night what kind of advice she could give me, I took her up on the offer. I told her that I don’t remember what I love to do.  Her answer was so simple- and so insightfully brilliant. She told me the things I am questioning are not the things I love, for if I truly loved something, there would be no question. 

Wow, we have one amazing kid.

Time to get real

It’s amazing how simple life can be through the eyes of a child. It’s even more amazing to realize how unnecessarily complicated we make our lives as we grow older. I immediately knew what had been blurring my perception.      

During the past nine days, four hours, and 20 minutes I had been crafting a plan based on my experience, education, skills and opportunity.  I don’t mean opportunity to have a fulfilling, rewarding career doing something I love. The plan was based on the opportunity to make money. And there it is. The very thing that blinds so many of us and erases our memories of the things we really love to do.

I’ll take TEACHING for $1000, Alex

Game show references aside, my daughter’s advice has made a significant impact on me. It helped me realize the things on my maybe I love this list aren’t the things I love.  They belong on my I don’t mind doing this and I know I can make money doing it list.

Now, I realize that being honest about what you truly love is a scary thing.  No one wants to close the door on opportunities that don’t make the list.  So, I’ll go first.

I love teaching. I love writing. I love leading and inspiring others. I love communicating. I love making things better (vague- I know, but it doesn’t seem to matter what it is- if I can improve on something, I love to get my hands into it).

So, while I patiently wait for my next full-time assignment, I’ll be teaching and consulting. Because that’s what I really love to do.  Kids say some amazing things!

Kristina Marsh is an experienced and accomplished marketing, communications, and business process specialist.  Want to connect?  You can reach me at


  1. Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings do come some golden ideas it seems. Yiu have one smart daughter.
