Thursday, June 27, 2013

I've Been UPSIZED: Chapter 13

Ahh, 1974…

The world certainly has changed since the days of my childhood. I was a child of the ‘70s. In those days, we would pile into a station wagon without thought of seatbelts or load capacity. That Buick sure could fit a lot of kids in the back. I even recall one summer night in July when we loaded into the bed of a pickup truck for a 45 minute drive to see fireworks. As a mother now myself, I cringe at the thought and wonder what our parents were thinking! But, those were different times.
Breaker, Breaker, Can I Get a Honk, Honk?

If you’re an American over the age of 35, I’d venture a guess that you know exactly what I’m talking about. Back in the days before DVD systems, iPods, and other mobile entertainment devices, we had to make our own fun on road trips. We would lean out the window, pumping our arms in hopes that a passing semi-truck would reciprocate with a loud sound of their air horn. On any given road trip, you could get at least a few, which totally makes a kid’s day!

I Guess Not…
On a recent road trip to Chicago, my son decided to test this crazy idea (his iPod was lost, so he was desperate). For six hours, he pumped his arm at passing semi-truck drivers, without one air horn in response. What a sad, sad time we’re living in.

Back When I Was a Kid…
As I strolled with my children through the streets of Chicago, telling stories about the way things used to be, it occurred to me that I’ve become the parent who wishes our children could experience a simpler time.

So, I give you a few of life’s observations from Chicago.
Did you know that for $28, you can get your doll’s hair styled? Back when I was a kid, we spent hours brushing and braiding our dolls’ hair. It wasn’t perfect, but it was done with love – not cash.

Did you know that for $8, you can go to the aquarium, but not see anything interesting unless you buy the $30 upgrade? Back when I was a kid, an admission ticket meant you were actually permitted inside.

Did you know that people put shirts and boots on dogs? Back when I was a kid, we put collars on dogs.
I Wonder What the Future Holds

Looking back on the memories of station wagons, air horns, and naked dogs, I wonder what our children will remember about their childhood. I hope it’s time spent with family, when iPods were lost and life was simpler.

Kristina Marsh is an accomplished marketing, communications, and business process leader.  In 2013, she launched Marketing Flexibility, LLC, a flexible, strategic marketing resource company. Want to connect? You can reach me at

Thursday, June 6, 2013

I've Been UPSIZED: Chapter 12

My Greatest Achievement

What a roller coaster ride this year has been. I’ve lived the peaceful existence of corporate stability, the emotional crash of being downsized, the confusion of figuring out who I am, and the excitement and fear of launching a business.
All of those things came into sharp focus today when I read my daughter’s second grade journal. Like the narrator of a story that pulls you in, she was following my story the entire time, pulling for me like an audience feeling the pain of a wounded hero. “My mom lost her job, but she’s not giving up,” she wrote in February. “I’m so proud of my mom,” she wrote in March. On a separate paper, she made a list of her personal heroes: Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Kristina Marsh. I could live 100 years and never receive a higher compliment.
Of Support and Love
Today, I attended the year end field day and picnic at my daughter’s school. I learned that she had been handing out business cards at school, trying to drum up some business for me. Talk about a support system! But even more so, talk about the love of a daughter.
My greatest achievement hasn’t been surviving a challenging year, landing a writing gig, or launching a new business. It’s realizing that we’ve raised two amazing children who love us unconditionally. I’ve always known that I’ll have my children’s backs no matter what life throws at them. It took this year for me to realize that they have mine too.
Kristina Marsh is an accomplished marketing, communications, and business process leader.  In 2013, she launched Marketing Flexibility, LLC, a flexible, strategic marketing resource company. Want to connect? You can reach me at