Thursday, August 1, 2013

I've Been UPSIZED: Chapter 16

I’m writing today from 30,000 feet, on an airplane somewhere over Minnesota. It’s been a long time since I’ve traveled on a business trip, but here I sit, on my way to Salt Lake City to support a Marketing Flexibility client at a tradeshow. And as I travel, I’m considering what a long journey this year has been. Together, my family and I have weathered some storms and conquered some mountains. I’m truly blessed to have them.

It’s a strange thing to travel. I can’t help but watch the strangers around me and wonder where they’re going; what personal journey they may be on this year. Are they happy? Are they sad? Whatever their journey, I hope they are as blessed with family and friends as I am.

Next to me sits a young man, maybe 20 years old. He’s traveling alone, fidgeting and flipping through a Sky Mall magazine while listening to his iPod. I wonder where he’s going today, and I hope it’s someplace good. Several rows ahead, a mother is trying to sooth her crying baby. I want to say, “don’t rush it, the time goes by all too quickly”. Our son will turn 13 this year, and I don’t know where the time has gone. Across the aisle sits a beautiful little girl, about the same age as our 8-year-old daughter. She looks happy, and we share some stolen glances and smiles. I think she’s with grandma, and they seem happy to be sharing each other’s company.

Somewhere on the plane is the couple I saw stealing kisses at the gate. Are they on their honeymoon? Perhaps it’s an anniversary. I see business travelers who are all business. In a hurry. Gotta get where they’re going to close the deal. I want to tell them to slow down and enjoy life. That I learned a valuable lesson this year about time and priorities. But, that lesson may come on their own personal journey.

156 people on the same plane, traveling, at least for a short time, to the same city. All on their own paths and on their own journeys. I feel good today, like this year is just the beginning of my amazing journey.

Kristina Marsh is an accomplished marketing, communications, and business process leader.  In 2013, she launched Marketing Flexibility, LLC, a flexible, strategic marketing resource company. Want to connect? You can reach me at

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